How to Protect Wool Clothing From Moths? That Annoying Moment!!
You’re getting dressed for an event. You reach for your favorite wool sweater that you love to wear for these specific occasions. But wait, something is wrong. There are countless holes all over your wool sweater. Turns out some pesky insects decided that they needed your sweater more than you did. Now your sweater is beyond repair and ruined for good. But why does this happen? And specifically, why does it happen to your favorite wool clothes?
What Causes Moth Damage
Although you hardly ever see moths flying around in your closet, the real danger is in the eggs that they lay. Clothing moths prefer the dark remote corners of your closet where they can do the damage in secret. These pesky insects lay their eggs in the cozy, warm parts of your clothes. After the eggs morph into larvae, the larvae feed on your clothes. They especially prefer natural fibers such as wool, cashmere, and silk. The larvae feeds on the natural articles of clothing that retains bodily fluid such as sweat, saliva, oils, and even food.
These tiny little guys are happy with the smallest bits of food possible. In the warm folds of your wool clothes, these annoying little pests are happily feasting on the natural fibers of your clothes and making holes that are beyond repair! So, let’s get into details on how to protect wool clothing from moths?
How To Deal With Moths
1. Clean Out Your Closest Often
When you find moth damage on any of your clothes, the first thing you need to do is clean out your closet or drawer. Moths love the dark, untouched spots of your closet or drawer. Remove your clothes and do a thorough cleaning of your shelves and drawers. This will help to clean up any extra moth eggs or larvae that you cannot see.
2. Kill Moths with Extreme Temperatures
Moths cannot survive extreme temperatures. One way to kill any traces of these pesky insects is to put your clothes through a hot cycle in your drying machine. If your clothes are not recommended to be dried that way, you can also put them in an airtight bag and freeze them in your freezer. Although this might take longer than a dryer cycle, it is just as effecting in killing any moth larvae or eggs that might be remaining in your wool clothes. Get rid of any moth signs by drying or freezing your favorite wool clothes.
3. Iron Your Clothes
If a dryer or freezer is not easily accessible, simply ironing your clothes can also aid in killing any signs of moth eggs. The extreme heat from the iron is a simple, effective way in helping to remove any signs of these pesky insects. Just double-check to make sure that your clothes will not shrink or be damaged from the iron as well.
4. Dry Clean Your Clothes
Of course, possibly the most effective way to rid your clothes of any signs of moths is to take them to a professional dry cleaner. Although this option might require a little expense on your end, at least you can rest assured that your clothes are properly cleaned and taken care of. But remember, now that your clothes are cleaned up, make sure that you take care of them properly in the future. Otherwise, you will probably be spending more time at the dry cleaners.
How to Protect Wool Clothing From Moths? Prevent Future Moth Invasions
1. Store Clothes In A Cedar Chest
If you want to keep these pesky insects from nibbling on your clothes again, there are several ways to deter them. One of the oldest, most effective ways of repelling insects is by properly storing your clothes. Cedar chests have been used by people all over the world to preserve their wool clothes, special documents, and valuable family heirlooms. The natural oils in cedar wood are a healthy natural repellent that will prevent any moth from entering the vicinity. By storing your wool clothes in a Classic blanket chest, or Vintage chests they will be safe from these pesky insects and also smell good at the same time.
2. Store Clothes In Airtight Containers
When you are going to store your clothes for a long time, another method to prevent moth intrusion is by storing your clothes in airtight containers. Whether it is a ziplock bag, suction travel bag, or an airtight container, this will help prevent any insects from finding their way into the warms folds of your clothes. Since moths like tightly packed warm clothes, containers help space out your clothes and deter these pesky insects.
3. Keep Closets and Drawers Clean
Of course, keep your closet and drawers as clean as possible. Whether it is periodically cleaning out your spaces, or simply rearranging your clothes, this will help prevent moth infestation. Also it will give you the opportunity to examine your clothes and look for any moth signs before they damage all your clothes. A little organization and a regular cleaning can go a long way in preserving your favorite clothes.
4. Wear Your Wool Clothes Often
Another simple way to avoid attracting these insects is by getting rid of clothes that you do not use much. Obviously, if you are wearing your favorite wool clothes, the moths will not be able to destroy them. Although you cannot wear all your clothes at once, we recommend wearing certain wool clothes frequently. This is one of the best ways to prevent any kind of moth damage. Since moths prefer the dark, untouched corners of your closet, they will gravitate towards the neglected clothes that are sitting in the dark, undisturbed corners. Hopefully, we’ve answered your questions on how to protect wool clothing from moths?
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